Raised +$21,000,000 after

Product Design partner for fast-growing companies

One subscription to ship more features, scale revenues, reduce churn rates, and increase your customer LTV.

Used by brands like Notion, Figma, Google

Typeform, Squarespace, and more.

Why only product design?

We love it and we're the best at it. No other area in design challenges us more than creating aesthetic, unique, and light experiences.

Every single day, we're knee-deep in product design, making common designs uncommonly well. Other agencies juggle between development, branding, socials, and everything in between, at the same time - their focus is lost in the weeds. It takes tremendous work and focus to become exceptional. Our focus is clear and precise.

We are constantly refining our craft, creating better designs, turning complex into easy, boring into beautiful. No matter the pressure, we come up with something extraordinary and we deliver - every single time.

Simple plans for your business




2 spots left

Immediate collaboration with a senior product designer with over 10 years of experience. Perfect plan for an ongoing product design need.

What's included

Senior product designer

Unlimited product design

Unlimited revisions

7 days a week

1 request at a time

Async collaboration

Slack + Trello system

Pause or cancel anytime




1 spot left

Full design team at your service. Perfect plan for a 1-3 months collaboration with product design and no-code marketing sites to reach your MVP fast.

What's included

Full design team

Product design + sites

Unlimited revisions

7 days a week

No request limit

Weekly check-in calls

Slack + Trello system

1-3 months collaboration

Robert Yi

CTO, Titanium

These have been the best designs we've ever seen.

Frequently asked questions

What happens after I subscribe

We will send you a welcome email which will include some of the best practices our most successful clients use when requesting designs - so you can also get the best out of our service. Then you'll get invited to a private Slack channel. From there, you will be greeted by your assigned senior product designer. You will then be able to start requesting designs.

What happens after I subscribe

We will send you a welcome email which will include some of the best practices our most successful clients use when requesting designs - so you can also get the best out of our service. Then you'll get invited to a private Slack channel. From there, you will be greeted by your assigned senior product designer. You will then be able to start requesting designs.

Why not hire a full-time designer?

Hiring a full-time product designer is incredibly expensive and time consuming. Reviewing thousands of applicants, going through several interviews with potential matches, negotiating, advertising, etc... Not to mention hiring a good senior product designer usually cost $15k to $20k per month. We charge $2k a month, and you get matched with a world-class senior product designer. You can pause or cancel your subscription whenever you want, no need to keep us around once your design needs stop.

Why not hire a full-time designer?

Hiring a full-time product designer is incredibly expensive and time consuming. Reviewing thousands of applicants, going through several interviews with potential matches, negotiating, advertising, etc... Not to mention hiring a good senior product designer usually cost $15k to $20k per month. We charge $2k a month, and you get matched with a world-class senior product designer. You can pause or cancel your subscription whenever you want, no need to keep us around once your design needs stop.

How do I request designs?

You can request designs by communicating directly in your private Slack channel. There is no request limit, and you will get new designs within 24 hours. The amount of designs can vary based on the scope of the requests you provide. We do every design from scratch. We don't use any templates or use any shortcuts to speed up the work.

How do I request designs?

You can request designs by communicating directly in your private Slack channel. There is no request limit, and you will get new designs within 24 hours. The amount of designs can vary based on the scope of the requests you provide. We do every design from scratch. We don't use any templates or use any shortcuts to speed up the work.

Which plan should I choose?

It depends on your design needs and business goals. The €10K package is perfect for ongoing product design needs or a series of design projects you need to fulfill. The €20K package offers a more ocmplex engagement. It will usually involve a senior product designer, a no-code designer, and we might also bring in a brand designer.

Which plan should I choose?

It depends on your design needs and business goals. The €10K package is perfect for ongoing product design needs or a series of design projects you need to fulfill. The €20K package offers a more ocmplex engagement. It will usually involve a senior product designer, a no-code designer, and we might also bring in a brand designer.

How quickly can I start?

Right now if a spot is available. You might even receive your first designs today, depending on the time you subscribe.

How quickly can I start?

Right now if a spot is available. You might even receive your first designs today, depending on the time you subscribe.

What design software do you use?

We use Figma for all of our designs.

What design software do you use?

We use Figma for all of our designs.

How do I manage my subscription?

Your subscription is managed via Stripe. Once you subscribe, you'll receive a welcome email which contains a link to log into your customer portal.

How do I manage my subscription?

Your subscription is managed via Stripe. Once you subscribe, you'll receive a welcome email which contains a link to log into your customer portal.

Can I pause or cancel?

Yes, you can pause or cancel your subscription whenever you want. We'll always be available for you once you're ready.

Can I pause or cancel?

Yes, you can pause or cancel your subscription whenever you want. We'll always be available for you once you're ready.

Our mission

Your business isn't growing as much as it could.

There are too many design initiatives to do, but not enough time or talent to get them done.

Churn rates are too high, and LTVs are too low.

Your product has so much potential, but it's getting difficult to ship more features with the same quality and care you've been putting in since the beginning.

What's slowing you down is giving room for the competition to outpace you.

The solution is simple. Find a product designer.

Hiring full-time? Slow, costly, and full of expenses you didn't expect.

Design agencies? Overpriced, jack-of-all-trade, and outsourcing to inexperienced designers who don't care.

Freelancers? Overworked, unreliable, and most don't follow through with what they say.

We're here to change that.

Our commitment? Simple. Craft common designs uncommonly well. That's been our bread and butter since the beginning.

Once you subscribe, we will invite you to a private Slack channel and you'll be introduced to your world-class senior product designer.

You can request as many designs as you want, and we'll complete them in 24 hours. Sometimes on the same day.

If a design doesn't feel right, we'll revise it until it reaches what you imagined.

You can also pause or cancel your subscription whenever you want, and there is no commitment period.

  • Ryan Chartrand

    CEO, X-Team

    It took a decade to find someone as talented as Charles to help drive the X-Team brand.

  • Robert Yi

    CTO, Titanium

    These have been some of the best designs

    we've ever seen, by far.

  • Jeremy King

    Founder, Sutro

    Charles has a very high level of creativity and design skills that few designers have.

The story behind the studio

Hi, Charles here.

Founder and designer at

Making beautiful designs was always a passion of mine, and having companies asking to work together was how I started the design studio.

I'm also working on all the projects at and designing for our clients, so you will probably be working with me if you're reading this.

My ambition is to bring the best result possible for our clients to keep elevating the studio and its reputation as being a staple in product design.

We take very few clients because we're a small team. We don't want to overstretch ourselves or sacrifice quality design for speed or money.

We deeply care about each client, from the moment they step in. We design with thought and attention to details.

Everything we design is homemade. Made from scratch, just for you, by a senior product designer.

I'm extremely proud of the studio because I know that we gave everything we had, day in and day out, for each client we served - like our lives depended on it.

If you're looking for someone to step in and take your product design to the next level, someone you can trust, rely on, and build a long-lasting relationship with, you're at the right studio.

Build your next project with

One subscription to ship more features, scale revenues, reduce churn rates, and increase your customer LTV.