Self-Guided Product Design Audit

Conduct a self-guided product design audit with this comprehensive guide. Discover key steps to evaluate your product's design, identify areas for improvement, and enhance user experience, all without the need for external consultants.

Conduct a self-guided product design audit with this comprehensive guide. Discover key steps to evaluate your product's design, identify areas for improvement, and enhance user experience, all without the need for external consultants.

Primary Focus

→ Focus on these foundational areas first.

Ideal Customers

  • [ ] We have clearly defined our ideal customer profile through research and interviews

  • [ ] We understand their primary and secondary goals and problems related to our product

  • [ ] We have adapted our product to our ideal customer’s needs


  • [ ] We feel confident that our brand is clear on every level

  • [ ] We connect our brand’s processes and aesthetic to our product

  • [ ] Our ideal customer understands our brand through our product

Business Goals

  • [ ] We have clarity on our business goals and how they connect back to our product

  • [ ] We can connect our features and overall product back to our business goals

  • [ ] Our incoming features and product efforts reflect our business ambitions

Product Design

  • [ ] We have outlined a clear product process to streamline our features implementation

  • [ ] Our culture and beliefs are reflected in our product design process

  • [ ] We have a clear roadmap of upcoming product initiatives based on research and interviews

User Flows

  • [ ] We feel confident in our understanding of the product and user flows

  • [ ] Our product has optimized user flows for our customers’ major goals and journeys

  • [ ] We consistently track and iterate our user flows to improve them

Design System

  • [ ] Our internal teams can easily find our brand’s aesthetic, definitions, and guidelines

  • [ ] We have a clear understanding of how our brand translates into our design system

  • [ ] We improve our design systems based on product goals

Feature System

  • [ ] We have a streamlined communication process between design and engineers

  • [ ] Our feature design process includes usability and technical limitations

  • [ ] We can connect back each design initiative back to our business goals

Secondary Focus

→ Once you have the foundational done, focus on these to refine your product strategy.

Marketing to Product

  • [ ] Our marketing uses real product visuals and matches new users’ expectations

  • [ ] We share the same aesthetic and brand standards between marketing and product

  • [ ] Our marketing and messaging accurately reflects our product


  • [ ] We make it easy for our users to share our product and refer friends

  • [ ] We incentive our users to use a referral feature and grow our word-of-mouth

  • [ ] Our product makes people want to share it, despite having no rewards

Need help?

Each empty checkbox is an opportunity for the competition to get a step ahead of you, or it can become a goal for your business to stand out even more. While it’s possible to do a lot of them on your own or with your team, you’d be much better off collaborating with someone who specializes in product design. helps businesses from all over the world build beautiful and unforgettable digital products.

We’ve helped startups raise +$21M in the past 2 years, rebranded decades-old businesses from scratch, and bring a of refresh on products wanting to stand out and thrive in the digital world.

If you care about your product design, reach out today for a free intro call.

Schedule a free intro call with

We also run a micro design service called Roast, where
we'll redesign and refine your hero section, giving you
actionable ways to improve conversions.

© 2024

We also run a micro design service called Roast, where
we'll redesign and refine your hero section, giving you
actionable ways to improve conversions.

© 2024