The Essential Checklist for Hiring Product Designers

Unlock the key steps to hiring product designers effectively. This comprehensive guide provides actionable insights, from defining needs to determining compensation, ensuring seamless integration and impactful contributions to your product's success.

In the fast-paced world of product development, the role of a product designer is pivotal. They are not just responsible for creating visually appealing interfaces but also for crafting intuitive user experiences that drive engagement and satisfaction.

However, finding the right product designer for your team requires more than just posting a job listing. It involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure a seamless integration and impactful contributions to your product’s success.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into each item on the checklist and explore best practices for hiring product designers.

1. Identify the Need

Hiring a product designer should always originate from a genuine need within your organization.

It's not just about filling a position but addressing specific challenges or opportunities that can benefit from design expertise. Whether you're overwhelmed with features, aiming to enhance your product, or seeking to elevate the quality of your processes, clarity on the purpose of hiring is essential.

Without a clear understanding of the need, you risk hiring a designer who may not align with your goals or contribute effectively to your product's success.

  • Purposeful Hiring: Ensure that your decision to hire a product designer stems from a genuine need within your organization.

  • Clear Objectives: Define specific challenges or opportunities that can benefit from design expertise.

2. Establish a Design Process

A well-defined design process serves as the backbone of successful product development.

Before bringing a product designer on board, it's crucial to establish a structured design process within your organization. This includes defining how ideas are conceptualized, how designs are iterated upon, and how features are shipped from conception to implementation.

A streamlined process not only fosters efficiency but also ensures alignment across cross-functional teams. By having a clear design process in place, you provide the necessary framework for the designer to seamlessly integrate into your workflow and contribute effectively to the product development lifecycle.

  • Process Proficiency: Establish a structured design process within your organization before hiring a product designer.

  • Cross-Functional Alignment: Ensure alignment across cross-functional teams to foster collaboration and efficiency.

3. Define Initiatives and Features

Before hiring a product designer, it's essential to have a clear roadmap of initiatives and features that need to be tackled. While the level of detail may vary depending on the seniority of the designer, having a basic framework in place provides valuable context and direction.

This includes identifying key features, defining project timelines, and outlining specific objectives that the designer will be responsible for. By having initiatives and features already defined, you can ensure that the designer's efforts are aligned with your overall product strategy and business objectives.

  • Roadmap Clarity: Have a clear roadmap of initiatives and features that need to be tackled.

  • Objective Alignment: Ensure that the designer's efforts are aligned with your overall product strategy and business objectives.

4. Implement Design Onboarding

Effective onboarding is critical to the success of any new hire, and product designers are no exception. Design onboarding involves familiarizing the designer with your organization's processes, design system, and culture as quickly as possible.

This may include providing access to relevant tools and resources, scheduling introductory meetings with key stakeholders, and assigning initial projects or tasks to facilitate hands-on learning.

The goal of design onboarding is to minimize ramp-up time and enable the designer to start making meaningful contributions to the product as soon as possible.

  • Structured Onboarding: Set up a structured design onboarding process to familiarize the designer with your organization's processes, design system, and culture.

  • Accelerated Integration: Minimize ramp-up time to enable the designer to start making meaningful contributions to the product as soon as possible.

5. Outline Design Objectives

To ensure alignment between design efforts and business goals, it's essential to clearly outline the objectives that the designer will be tasked with achieving.

This involves articulating the specific outcomes or impacts that design interventions are expected to deliver, whether it's improving user engagement, increasing conversion rates, or enhancing overall product satisfaction.

By providing clarity on design objectives, you empower the designer to prioritize their efforts and focus on initiatives that will have the greatest impact on your product's success.

  • Business Alignment: Clearly articulate the design objectives and the business goals they serve.

  • Strategic Impact: Empower the designer to prioritize efforts and focus on initiatives that will have the greatest impact on your product's success.

6. Track Product Performance

Measuring the impact of design on product performance is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of design interventions and identifying areas for improvement.

While design impact can be challenging to quantify, establishing key metrics and tracking mechanisms can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of design efforts. This may include tracking user engagement metrics, conducting usability testing, or analyzing user feedback to gauge the impact of design changes on user satisfaction and retention.

By tracking product performance, you can make informed decisions about design priorities and iterate on designs based on real-world data and user feedback.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Establish metrics and tracking mechanisms to gauge the impact of design on product performance.

  • Iterative Improvement: Use real-world data and user feedback to iterate on designs and enhance product performance over time.

7. Foster Communication

Effective communication is critical for successful collaboration between product designers and cross-functional teams.

Designers often collaborate with stakeholders from various departments, including customer support, sales, marketing, and engineering. Establishing clear communication processes and channels ensures that everyone is aligned on project goals, timelines, and expectations.

Regular check-ins, status updates, and feedback sessions help to keep teams informed and engaged, fostering a culture of collaboration and transparency.

By fostering open communication, you create an environment where ideas can be shared, feedback can be exchanged, and progress can be tracked effectively.

  • Clear Communication Channels: Establish clear communication processes and channels across departments.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins, status updates, and feedback sessions to keep teams informed and engaged.

8. Consider Expertise and Seniority

The expertise and seniority of a product designer can have a significant impact on the level of support and guidance required from your end. Junior designers may require more hands-on guidance and supervision, particularly in the early stages of their tenure. However, they also bring fresh perspectives and enthusiasm for learning and growth.

On the other hand, senior designers may require less oversight but may bring with them established processes and methodologies that may need to be integrated into your existing workflows.

Understanding the needs and expectations associated with different levels of expertise and seniority allows you to provide tailored support and guidance to maximize the designer's impact on your product.

  • Tailored Support: Understand the needs and expectations associated with different levels of expertise and seniority.

  • Guidance and Supervision: Provide tailored support and guidance to maximize the designer's impact on your product.

9. Determine Compensation

Compensation is a crucial factor in attracting and retaining top talent in the competitive field of product design. When determining compensation for product designers, factors such as expertise, seniority, and market demand should be taken into account.

Junior designers typically command lower salaries, ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 per month, while mid-level designers may earn between $5,000 to $10,000 per month. Senior designers, with extensive experience and expertise, may command higher salaries, ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 per month or more.

It's essential to align compensation with the designer's level of experience, skills, and expected contributions to your product's success.

  • Fair Compensation: Determine compensation based on factors such as expertise, seniority, and market demand.

  • Align with Contributions: Align compensation with the designer's level of experience, skills, and expected contributions to your product's success.


In conclusion, hiring a product designer requires careful consideration of various factors, from identifying the need to determining compensation. Following these guidelines should help you streamline and improve the hiring process, to onboard designers effectively, and maximize their impact on your product's success.

Remember, investing in the right talent is an investment in the future of your product.

We also run a micro design service called Roast, where
we'll redesign and refine your hero section, giving you
actionable ways to improve conversions.

© 2024

We also run a micro design service called Roast, where
we'll redesign and refine your hero section, giving you
actionable ways to improve conversions.

© 2024