What Questions Should You Ask a Product Designer When Interviewing?

Hiring the right product designer is crucial for any company that values user-centric design and innovation. Product designers play a pivotal role in shaping the user experience, functionality, and overall success of a product. However, evaluating a candidate's skills, mindset, and fit for the role can be challenging.

Hiring the right product designer is crucial for any company that values user-centric design and innovation. Product designers play a pivotal role in shaping the user experience, functionality, and overall success of a product. However, evaluating a candidate's skills, mindset, and fit for the role can be challenging.

To ensure you make an informed hiring decision, it's essential to ask the right questions during the interview process. This blog post will explore a comprehensive list of questions to help you assess a product designer's qualifications, design approach, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.

Understanding the Role of a Product Designer

Before delving into the interview questions, it's important to understand the responsibilities and impact of a product designer within an organization. Product designers are responsible for creating user-friendly, visually appealing, and functional products that meet the needs of the target audience.

Their role encompasses various aspects, including:

  1. User Research: Conducting user research to understand the target audience's needs, behaviors, and pain points.

  2. Ideation and Conceptualization: Generating innovative ideas and concepts that address user problems and align with business goals.

  3. Prototyping and Iteration: Creating prototypes to test and refine design solutions, incorporating user feedback and data-driven insights.

  4. User Experience Design: Designing intuitive and engaging user experiences that guide users through seamless interactions with the product.

  5. Visual Design: Crafting visually appealing and cohesive designs that align with the brand's identity and resonate with the target audience.

  6. Collaboration: Working closely with cross-functional teams, such as product managers, developers, and stakeholders, to ensure successful product development and implementation.

With this understanding of the product designer's role, you can tailor your interview questions to assess the candidate's skills, experience, and fit for the position.

Questions to Assess Design Skills and Experience

To evaluate a product designer's technical abilities and design expertise, consider asking the following questions:

  1. Can you walk me through your design process? This question allows you to understand the candidate's approach to design, from initial research and ideation to prototyping and iteration.

  2. How do you conduct user research, and why is it important? User research is a crucial aspect of product design, and this question helps you gauge the candidate's understanding of its significance and their preferred methods.

  3. Can you describe a successful product you designed and the challenges you faced during the process? This question provides insight into the candidate's problem-solving abilities, design thinking, and ability to overcome obstacles.

  4. How do you ensure your designs are accessible and inclusive? Accessibility and inclusivity are essential considerations in product design, and this question assesses the candidate's awareness and approach to creating inclusive experiences.

  5. What design tools and software are you proficient in? Understanding the candidate's technical skills and familiarity with industry-standard design tools is important for evaluating their ability to contribute effectively to your team.

Questions to Assess Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Product designers must possess strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills to navigate complex design challenges.

Consider asking the following questions to evaluate these abilities:

  1. Can you describe a time when you had to balance conflicting stakeholder requirements or user needs? This question assesses the candidate's ability to prioritize and make informed decisions when faced with competing demands.

  2. How do you approach designing for complex systems or products with multiple components? Complex products often require a systematic approach to design, and this question evaluates the candidate's ability to break down and tackle intricate design challenges.

  3. Can you provide an example of a design decision you made based on data or user feedback? This question helps you understand the candidate's data-driven approach and their ability to incorporate user insights into their design decisions.

  4. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and best practices? This question assesses the candidate's commitment to continuous learning and their ability to adapt to evolving design standards and technologies.

  5. Can you describe a time when you had to pivot or change direction on a design project? This question evaluates the candidate's flexibility, adaptability, and ability to navigate changes and setbacks during the design process.

Questions to Assess Collaboration and Communication Skills

Product design is a collaborative effort, and effective communication is essential for successful teamwork and stakeholder alignment.

Consider asking the following questions to evaluate the candidate's collaboration and communication skills:

  1. How do you communicate design concepts and rationale to non-designers? This question assesses the candidate's ability to articulate design decisions and translate complex ideas into understandable terms for stakeholders and cross-functional teams.

  2. Can you describe a time when you had to collaborate with developers or engineers to ensure the feasibility of your design? This question evaluates the candidate's ability to work closely with technical teams and navigate the constraints and considerations of product development.

  3. How do you handle and incorporate feedback from stakeholders or team members? This question helps you understand the candidate's openness to feedback, their ability to navigate differing opinions, and their approach to incorporating diverse perspectives into their design process.

  4. Can you provide an example of a time when you had to present your design work to a larger audience? This question assesses the candidate's presentation skills, confidence, and ability to effectively communicate their design vision and rationale to a broader audience.

  5. How do you approach collaborating with cross-functional teams, such as product managers, marketers, or customer support? This question evaluates the candidate's understanding of the importance of cross-functional collaboration and their ability to work effectively with diverse teams.

Questions to Assess Cultural Fit and Mindset

While technical skills and experience are essential, it's also crucial to assess a candidate's cultural fit and mindset to ensure they align with your company's values and work environment.

Consider asking the following questions:

  1. What motivates you as a product designer? This question provides insight into the candidate's passion, drive, and what fuels their creativity and commitment to design.

  2. How do you approach continuous learning and professional development? This question assesses the candidate's growth mindset and their willingness to adapt and evolve their skills in a rapidly changing industry.

  3. Can you describe a time when you had to navigate a challenging team dynamic or conflict? This question evaluates the candidate's emotional intelligence, conflict resolution skills, and ability to foster a positive and productive team environment.

  4. What excites you about our company's mission and products? This question helps you gauge the candidate's enthusiasm and alignment with your company's vision and values.

  5. How do you approach giving and receiving constructive feedback? This question assesses the candidate's openness to feedback, their ability to provide constructive criticism, and their commitment to continuous improvement.

Additional Considerations

In addition to the questions outlined above, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind during the interview process:

  1. Portfolio Review: Thoroughly review the candidate's portfolio to assess their design skills, attention to detail, and ability to communicate their design process and rationale effectively.

  2. Design Exercise or Challenge: Consider incorporating a design exercise or challenge into the interview process to evaluate the candidate's problem-solving abilities, creativity, and design thinking in real-time.

  3. Cultural Fit Assessment: Involve team members from various departments to assess the candidate's cultural fit and potential for collaboration and integration within your organization.

  4. Reference Checks: Conduct thorough reference checks to gain additional insights into the candidate's work ethic, teamwork abilities, and overall performance in previous roles.

By combining these interview questions with a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate's portfolio, design exercise performance, and reference checks, you can make an informed hiring decision and increase the likelihood of finding the right product designer for your team.


Hiring the right product designer is crucial for creating exceptional user experiences and driving product success. By asking the right questions during the interview process, you can assess a candidate's design skills, problem-solving abilities, collaboration and communication skills, and cultural fit. Remember to tailor your questions to the specific needs and requirements of your organization and the product designer role.

Effective interviewing requires preparation, active listening, and a thorough evaluation of the candidate's responses, portfolio, and overall fit for the position. By investing time and effort into the interview process, you can build a strong design team that not only possesses technical expertise but also aligns with your company's values and contributes to a positive and productive work environment.

We also run a micro design service called Roast, where
we'll redesign and refine your hero section, giving you
actionable ways to improve conversions.

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We also run a micro design service called Roast, where
we'll redesign and refine your hero section, giving you
actionable ways to improve conversions.

© 2024